Maxcons storm peg

At Maxcons TM we manufacture and market the world-first Max-Peg storm-resistant tent peg as well as innovative camping and outdoor equipment and accessories to solve camping problems.

The Maxcons Max-Peg was designed out of frustration with traditional tent pegs.

Our founder, Connie Kruger, had a run-in with a traditional tent peg in hard bushveld soil and he spent the rest of his weekend inventing a tent peg that would be easy to drive into hard ground and did not need to be tight in the ground to be effective.

Max-Pegs would need to accommodate gusting winds in all directions without allowing the tent poles to become dislodged and the tent to blow away.

Maxcons TM understands that wind and camping go hand in hand, not exactly a match made in heaven. Your holiday could be ruined by unpredictable winds blowing your tent over and you have to cling to tent poles to protect your tent and everything in it.

Our innovative camping products ensure that your camping experience is a positive one.

Maxcons TM offers the following camping equipment:

  • Max-Pegs TM,
  • Max-Storm Pegs,
  • Max-Pole Steady Pins,
  • Max-Peg Reflectors,
  • Max-Rope Sliders,
  • Max-Aero Pegs,
  • Max-Thor Hammers,
  • Max-Ground Cover Pegs,
  • Max-Peg Pullers,
  • Carabiners,
  • Max-Guy Ropes,
  • Max-Zebo,
  • Max-Tent and
  • Max-Tent Exclusive

Browse our products or contact us if you have any questions or would like to place an order.

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What our clients say

[us_testimonial author=”Tom Cato” company=”Camper”]Jou tentpenne het my lewe gered toe ek nou onlangs in SATARA gekamp het. Die grond was bloot te hard en ek kon die ander standaard penne nie ingekap kry nie. Baie dankie.[/us_testimonial]
[us_testimonial author=”Francois” company=”Camper”]Max-Thor hammers work like a bomb. We tried to destroy one, no luck.[/us_testimonial]
[us_testimonial author=”Anton” company=”Camper”]Ek was by die Oppidamfees en het van julle penne daar gekoop. Ons het by die Vaaldam gaan visvang en daar was ‘n groot storm. Al die mense se tente het rond gewaai en van hulle was baie beskadig. My tent het stewig gestaan met die hulp van Maxcons penne. Ek sal die penne beslis aanbeveel vir al die kampers daar buite.[/us_testimonial]

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